1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 Devotional On THE BLAMELESS LIFE

Daily Scripture Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 KJV

1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 KJV
(23)  And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
(24)  Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.

Today’s Devotional Is THE BLAMELESS LIFE

HE WILL do it. These words are filled with confidence that reflects the faith of the Apostle in God’s faithfulness and power to accomplish for early Christians what is truly needed. First, to be sanctified wholeheartedly and secondly to be kept without fault until the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This is a huge achievement for women and men who were raised in the midst of the sins and excesses of the era, when religion was just another name for indulgence. Blamelessness of life, the stainless habit of the soul, self-restraint–these were the attributes of the few whose natures seemed cast in a special mould. Yet, how powerful was the Apostle’s assertion that the God of Peace would even do as much for them in the face the unsurmountable challenges.

It is important to distinguish between faultlessness and blamelessness. Only then can the former be ours, when we are present before His glory with unfailing joy (Jud_1_24). However, the former is possible because God has promised that it will be done. God is the Agent of a blameless life. It is impossible for anyone else to achieve such a remarkable result. He condescends to infuse the soul. Just as His glory filled Solomon’s Temple with His glory, so He waits for those who trust Him to fill their spirit, soul, body, and spirit.

He will as the God of peace. The stillest are the strongest. Have you ever heard the dawn break or felt the first signs of spring? Who ever thought of listening to the throb and thuds of gravity, or the thud and roar of the forces that redden grapes, golden corn, and cover the fruits with blossom? God works in the hearts and minds of those who are His. He is at work even when we feel we are not making any progress. You can only detect the presence of ozone by the faint colour of a piece litmus-paper. God’s work is only visible when the blossom of perfect love is seen in our lives.

PRAYER for Today

Almighty God, Who lovest us and to whom are known the yearnings of our hearts for this blessed life, work Thou within, quietly, gently and mightily, removing sin from our hearts and generating in us that innocence of heart which is priceless in Thy eyes. AMEN.