Daily Scripture Reading: Isaiah 6:1 KJV
Isaiah 6:1 KJV
(1) In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.
Today’s Devotional Is THE EXALTED LORD
We live in difficult times but we also live in human history. This is when external events are most distracting or distressing. God’s servants are invited to the secret place at the Most High and shown the reassuring view of God’s overruling Providence and the orderly regularity of His everlasting reign. Isaiah saw the stability of God’s Throne as the land was in dark distress and revolution was on the horizon.
“It was high up and lifted up” – far above any authority, power or dominion on earth, in heaven, or under the earth. It was crowned by Love–“above them stood the Seraphim.” Seraph is made from fire and the Seraphim are for radiant love. The Throne is a symbol of stability, judgment and power. However, Love, the ultimate attribute, stands above all of these attributes and is over-arching Him who sits there. This is the highest conception of mortals, Love supreme. The Throne is home to the Lamb who was killed.
Isaiah was the only man chosen from all Israel to be seen. He climbed the Temple-steps in humility, surrounded by religious pilgrims. He was not the only one who needed a revealing sight. But it was the man who had already seen the Lord, and it was the saint who seemed to be the most in touch with God. While the rest of them saw the Temple, high altar and ritual, he saw the “skirts” of glory filling every crevice of the holy place.
We should not settle for the superficial and outward, with rituals however beautiful, or sermons however impressive. People who are humble and persistent in their search for God will hear sounds that other ears cannot pick, will sense a Presence that is hidden from the outside observer, and will be able to enter the realm of spirit that is not open to the external observer.
The world might be filled with turmoil; the floods may have raised their voices, but the Lord on high is powerful, and He will overcome. Through Death, Resurrection and Ascension, He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings!
PRAYER for Today
Although we may not understand the meanings of the darkness and turmoil around us, we do know that Thou art Love and that Thou doest reign. We pray that Thee will be raised above all principalities, power, might, and dominion. O Son of God, glory and blessing, honour, and power be unto Thee who art the Man among the sapphire Throne, AMEN.