James 1:23-24 Devotional On THE MIRROR OF TRUTH

Daily Scripture Reading: James 1:23-24 KJV

James 1:23 KJV
(23)  For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass:

Today’s Devotional Is THE MIRROR OF TRUTH

A fable from an ancient palace tells of one room that was exceptional because it was lined in glass with a particular quality.

A mist would cover the mirrors when a person entered who was not living in accordance with truth. The Apostle Paul made the shocking comparison between his self-centered goodness and the love and purity that Christ had shown him. He was unable to justify himself and admitted that all he considered gain was only loss.

Truth and love are inseparable. Truth is also of God. Love is from God. The one must be followed if you have the other. The soul that sees God’s Word in a mirror, perceives a blur and decides to fix it. If it persists in this manner, it will not be a listener who forgets but a doer who works.

It is the blessing of being and doing. Only by doing, can we be what we are. If we don’t put into practice what we have learned in Christ, even if we see Him, it won’t make us Christlike. The impressions that are made through the ear are very fleeting, much like the wind on the water. We see ourselves in the mirror and instantly forget who we are. Only when we stop being hearers who forget and start to doers that work, can we make any progress in our Christian walk and life.

Pay attention to the Word of Truth written or spoken. Notice the smallest inconsistency between you and Jesus’ perfect beauty and immediately correct it. You can be kind to others’ mistakes, but you must not forget your own. No fault should go uncorrected and no duty unpaid. Christ is the only way to live. You will find your blessings and happiness in choosing Christ-life and in following His example.

PRAYER for Today

We ask that you help us to get rid of all things that are in conflict with Thy peace or not according to Thy will so that we can live a quiet life of faith, trust, and obedience, looking for Thy truth and walking in its light. AMEN.