Philippians 3:13-14 Devotional On STAND AT THE BOWL!

Daily Scripture Reading: Philippians 3:13-14 KJV

Philippians 3:13-14 KJV
(13)  Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
(14)  I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Today’s Devotional Is STAND AT THE BOWL!

Always stand at the bow! Don’t look back at the stern and go straight for the bow. It is not the best way to give them a good account. Admit to them and believe in Christ for their forgiveness. Sometimes failure is the key to success and sometimes our past mistakes can be used as stepping stones to greater things. Our Lord said to His disciples, “Sleep on Now and Take Your Rest”–the past cannot be undone, but He immediately added, “Arise, Let Us Go!” The future is possible. You can leave behind the backward looking stern and head for the bow.

The sky ahead of us may be cloudy and dark, but it is true. Weather-prognosts claim that the world is losing its old sanctions and not replacing them with newer ones. They also say that seven civilizations are gone, and that we will soon see the end of the eighth. It may be so but they forget that God holds stormy waters in His hollow hand and that Jesus walked through the dangerous billows to help His friends. They forget that the earth was empty of form and void when the Spirit God walked in chaos and darkness to create the heavens. They can’t hear the Creator calling out, “Behold, all things are new!” The cosmos is born out of chaos. Every age ends in work, and a new one is born.

Take a look out at the vast circle of sky and be ready for new lands, wonderful discoveries, and the grand missions that lie ahead. You will see the clouds fall. Never think that wrong will prevail. Never think of yourself as God-forsaken, or forgotten. Although the Master may appear to be sleeping on his pillow, uncaring and oblivious, His hand is at the helm. He guides your course. He is the ruler of the waves, and they are His.

PRAYER for Today

He makes the storm calm so that its waves are still. They are glad that they are quiet. He brings them into the place of their desires. O how men would be able to praise the Lord for His goodness! AMEN.