What does Jesus say about nature? 10 Bible verses that will inspire you to protect the earth.

Did you know that nature is one of the main things that Jesus talked about in the Bible? He said a lot of beautiful things about nature, and they are all inspiring! In this blog post, we will explore 10 verses from the Bible that talk about nature. God created nature for us to enjoy, and it teaches us a lot about Him! We hope these verses will inspire you to protect our planet and connect with nature more often. What does Jesus say about nature? In the Bible, Jesus often talks about nature and its importance in our lives. He reminds us that we are part of nature, and so it is vital that we treat nature with the … Read Bible Verses

Psalms for Encouragement, Comfort, and Church: What’s a Good Scripture for You?

Do you need encouragement today? The Bible is full of scriptures that can provide encouragement for any situation. In this blog post, we will explore 11 Bible verses about encouragement and what Jesus says about encouragement. We will also look at a definition of encouragement and some Psalms that are great for encouragement, comfort, and church. If you are looking for a good scripture to uplift someone, the Bible has plenty to offer! What’s a good Psalm for encouragement? The book of Psalms is full of beautiful poetry and wisdom that can offer encouragement in times of trouble. One of my favorites is Psalm 46, which begins with the words “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in … Read Bible Verses

What Does Jesus Say About Miracles? Bible Verses About Healing and Miracles

Do you believe in miracles? Many people do and for good reason. Miracles are a sign of God’s power and love. In this blog post, we will explore what the Bible has to say about miracles. We will look at some of the most famous miracle stories in the Bible, as well as verses that talk about healing and miracles. If you are interested in learning more about this topic, or if you just want to be inspired by some amazing stories, then read on! What does Jesus say about miracles? Jesus is often asked about miracles. What are they? Why do they happen? Jesus usually responds by saying that miracles are signs that point to who he is. In … Read Bible Verses

Shame and Disgrace in the Bible: What Does the Bible Say About Shame?

There are many Bible verses about shame. Shame and disgrace are two powerful emotions that can have a devastating impact on our lives. According to the Bible, shame is defined as “the painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonorable or improper done by oneself or another.” Disgrace is a closely related emotion that is often characterized by shame and humiliation. In this blog post, we will explore what the Bible has to say about shame and disgrace. We will also look at some famous Bible verses about shame, and consider why we feel shame in the first place. What does the Bible say about shame and disgrace? shame and disgrace are two of the most commonly mentioned topics … Read Bible Verses

Gossip in the Bible: What Does God Say About It?

What does the Bible say about gossip? This is a question that many people ask, and there is no easy answer. Gossip can be defined in many ways, but at its core, it is simply talking about someone behind their back. In the Bible, gossip is condemned as one of the worst sins that a person can commit. There are several verses in the Bible that talk about gossip, and they all emphasize how serious God considers this sin to be. What is the spirit behind gossip? Answer: There are two things at work when it comes to gossip: judgment and a desire to be first. When we engage in gossip, we are passing judgment on another person. Furthermore, we … Read Bible Verses

What the Bible Says About Speaking: Power of the Tongue, Not Speaking, and More

The Bible has a lot to say about speaking. In fact, there are entire books of the Bible dedicated to the topic! Speaking is a powerful tool that we can use for good or for evil. In this blog post, we will explore what the Bible says about speaking. We will look at topics such as the power of the tongue, not speaking, and speaking life. Jesus had a lot to say about speaking, and His words are still relevant today. Let’s dive in! What the Bible says about how we should speak? The Bible says that we should speak words that are helpful, edifying, and constructive. Ephesians 4:29 says, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your … Read Bible Verses