Daily Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4:10 KJV
Ephesians 4:10 KJV
(10) He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)
This is an incredible verse! Our Lord came down. The Council-Chamber of Eternity was formed when creation and fall of mankind were predicted. It was decided that He would deliver man. But how could He do this if He hadn’t lived through human life? Even if Omnipotence was His power, mere power would have failed to work. In absolute sympathy, even perfect love could have failed because of lack of experience. “Forasmuch then, since the children take part in flesh and blood, He also took part in it, that He might become a merciful, faithful High Priest” (Heb_2_14-17).
How low did He fall? He bow to the heavens and fell, and darkness was beneath his feet. He went down to the Manger-bed and the Virgin Mother; to Joseph’s home at despised Nazareth and to the carpenter’s shop; to hunger, thirst, and agony, to the Cross, Passion, Death, and burial even in borrowed tombs; and to the dark shadow-world of Hades, where he was buried with the spirits in prison.
These low depths were not His. He rose with the keys to Death and Hades at his girdle. He rose high and led captives to Him. As He went upward, He annexed each provincial as He went. The same Jesus who was descended has now ascended with no changes in His nature so that He can fill all hearts and homes with the same grace, love, and help He displayed during His earthly ministry. The other day I was struck by the sight and thought: “Jesus Christ is literally here in this room.” While He is indeed at the right hand God, this is just to make it easier for Him to fill my heart, my needs, and my life. He is exactly the same as when Mary and Martha welcomed Him into their Bethany home. “I will again read the Gospels, not as a record or of the past but as a mirror for the living present” (Heb_13.8).
Is there anyone who can read this page in pain, loneliness, sickness, poverty, or sickness and not find this comfort? Reread the Gospels as the Day-Book and Diary of the Living Saviour. He who descends is also the same as that who ascended. He ascended so that He could fulfill the deepest human needs. Although He has ascended to the right side of the Majesty at high, He remains the same loving, tender Savior as when His friends were there, and His tears filled with joy at His grave.
PRAYER for Today
I bless you, O Son of God. It is not necessary for me to go to Heaven to bring thee down or to Thy grave to raise Thee. Thou art here at this hour and in this place. AMEN.