Matthew 6:9 Devotional On MODEL PRAYER

Daily Scripture Reading: Matthew 6:9 KJV

Matthew 6:9 KJV
(9)  After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Today’s Devotional Is MODEL PRAYER

THE LORD’S PRAYER, Christ Himself, is a temple that has been built. As we repeat these wonderful sentences, we can’t help but think about the multitudes of people who have been molded by them and have put their hearts into these petitions.

Our Lord did not insist on prayer always, but was praying constantly to His Father. His disciples were well aware of His tendency to go away for secret prayer and had seen His transfiguring glory on many occasions. It would be a joy for us if God’s fellowship and communion were so evident that people would approach us saying, “Teach me to pray!” (Exo_34.35).

Prayer should be easy. The Jewish proverb says, “Everyone who multiplies prayers is heard.” But our Lord forbade the repetition of meaningless prayer by teaching us to pray in simple, direct and understandable petitions.

Prayer should be considered. Our Father in Heaven will accept the most tender words and the most intimate of conversations. We must not forget that He is the King and His Name Is Holy. Angels cover their faces with His Presence. Remember that God is in Heaven and that we are on earth. Don’t be rash about your mouth and don’t make any utterances before God.

Prayer should be selfless. The structure of the Prayer was designed by our Lord to allow for intercession. While sorrow and sin can make us feel isolated and lonely, prayer helps us to realize that we are all part of the One Body of Christ, which is a unit in that great multitude that no one can count.

Prayer must address real needs. Daily bread is for all kinds of needs. Jesus taught us how to pray for it.

Faith must be the foundation of prayer. We can’t help but believe we will prevail with God as with our friend the good man in the house; and if there is one thing men should ask, what about Him who loves us more than a father’s affection (Luk_11,9-13).

PRAYER for Today

Our Father God, please help us to live in prayer today. As we kneel before Thee, let us receive Thy Spirit, subduing selfishness and uniting our hearts with the fear of Thy name. AMEN.